

The Diploma in Leadership and Management from Princeton College can enhance your leadership skills and provide a platform for career advancement. This leadership and management course provides you with key skills related to strategic planning, problem-solving, team development, and effective communication. Designed for emerging leaders, supervisors, and managers, the course provides a practical learning experience tailored to real-world business challenges. With expert guidance and hands-on training, you will be able to successfully lead teams, manage projects, and achieve success at any level.

We provide diverse leadership courses and English language programs designed to enhance professional skills, build effective communication, and support career advancement across various industries.

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management, across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Individuals at this level display initiative and judgement in planning, organising, implementing and monitoring their own workload and the workload of others. They use communication skills to support individuals and teams to meet organisational or enterprise requirements. They plan, design, apply and evaluate solutions to unpredictable problems, and identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources.

Let Princeton College help you develop your professional skills and career.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication

$10,750 (Fees include all material costs and learning resources)

  • Enrolment fees: $250 (Non refundable)
  • Tuition fees: $ 10,000
  • Material fees: $500

Please contact the college at or 0391911826, to know about the current promotional price

Delivery will occur over a 56 weeks (52 weeks training and 4 weeks holiday break) period of full time study.

Face to face classroom based.

  • 18 years of age or over at the commencement of the course.
  • LLN Requirements
    • The qualification has been analysed against the skill level requirements of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and recorded in the Diploma ACSF Profile. Students entering this qualification will have their LLN skills compared to the ACSF levels of the course to determine if there are specific support requirements needed and make a recommendation about the suitability of the student to enrol.
    • PIC will use LLN Robot to assess and analyse the LLN level of each student prior to enrolment. Our desire is to identify any LLN needs that students may have as a student and to assist them in reducing the impact this may have on their studies with PIC
  • Academic Requirements: Year 12 academic education (or equivalent) * Students with overseas qualifications will need to have level equivalency determined by the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment.
  • English Language Requirements

All students entering this qualification must have an IELTS* score of 6.0 (test results must be no more than 2 years old). English language competence can also be demonstrated through ocumented evidence of any of the following:

  • educated for 5 years in an English-speaking country; or
  • successful completion of an English Placement Test at IELTS level 6.0

*Note that other English language tests such as PTE and TOEFL can be accepted. Students are required to provide their results so that it can be confirmed they are equivalent to IELTS 6.0.

  • Pre-Training Review- All prospective students (the candidates) are interviewed through Phone or zoom and will have the course explained to them by a Student Services Officer. The purpose of this interview is to ensure the candidate understands the commitment of signing up to the course, entry requirements, course outcomes, and what is expected of the student during their studies with Princeton International College. The review also aims to identify training needs through questions on previous education or training, relevance of the courses to learner and relevant experience

Students must attend all training sessions.

To complete BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management, a total of 12 units must be completed.

Unit CodeTittleCore or Elective
BSBLDR523Lead and manage effective workplace relationshipsCore
BSBPEF502Develop and use emotional intelligenceCore
BSBOPS502Manage business operational plansCore
BSBTWK502Manage team effectivenessCore
BSBCMM511Communicate with influenceCore
BSBCRT511Develop critical thinking in othersCore
BSBCMM412Lead difficult conversationsElective
BSBSTR502Facilitate continuous improvementElective
BSBWHS521Ensure a safe workplace for a work areaElective
BSBTWK503Manage meetingsElective
BSBOPS505Manage organisational customer serviceElective
BSBPEF501Manage personal and professional developmentElective

Pre-course– Before starting this course, you will be required to complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) questionnaire. This quick questionnaire is used to determine your LLN skill level so that we can best support you in your studies.

Training Arrangements

Class sessions are planned to ensure that you have a mixture of practical and theoretical components, and those classes cater for a wide variety of learning styles. Additionally, workplace practices and environments will be regularly simulated and used to conduct skills-based assessments in accordance with unit requirements. Students must attend 20 hours per week in the classroom. Homework tasks may include research, readings from related course material and continuing to
work on assessment tasks. Students are provided with course material such as Student Assessments which comprises of Knowledge and Skill assessment. Additionally, learner guides, PowerPoint presentations, self-study Guide, session plan and various class activities. Classroom settings will ensure full access to computers, internet, whiteboards and trainer and assessor.

Assessment Arrangements

Assessment will be conducted individually/in groups. You will be provided with a Student Assessment Booklet for each unit of competency which includes:

  • A full description of all assessment tasks for the unit of competency
  • Assessment instructions for each unit of competency
  • Assessment resources for each unit of competency
  • Details about when assessment will occur Details about assessment submission There are a variety of assessment methods used for this qualification which could be combination of the following:
    • Written questions
    • Projects
    • Case studies
    • Role Plays
    • Research
    • Reports

You will be required to complete assessments in class, and this is not expected to exceed 20 hours per week.

All students will complete a language literacy and numeracy assessment upon enrolment to determine their learning support needs. All students will be provided with a range of learning support options and resources to help you achieve competency.

Where additional support needs have been identified an Individual Support Plan will be developed which may include:

  • Mentoring from trainers
  • Additional classes, tutorials, and workshops
  • Online support and exercises for some courses
  • Computer and technology support
  • Referral to external support services
  • Reasonable adjustment to assessments

Provision of additional support services will be provided where necessary to enable students to participate in the same way as any other person regardless of whether support services have been required.

You may be eligible for Credit Transfer if you are able to demonstrate that you have achieved competency in the same or equivalent unit/s in a Nationally Recognised Training from any Registered Training Organisation. Please read the Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure for more details.

If you think that you have already gained the skills and experience for a unit or entire qualification, you can apply for RPL to get recognised as competent for parts or a whole nationally recognised qualification. Not everyone will get credited for their skills and knowledge. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate a reasonable amount of experience in the area their course covers. Contact us to know more about our RPL process.

It provides a pathway to further learning and work in various business roles and settings. Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • Business Development Manager
  • Corporate Services Manager
  • Senior Administrator
  • Senior Executive

At the successful completion of the course students will be awarded with the “Testamur” and a “Record of Results” which provides detailed Units of Competency completed in the course.

At the Partial Completion of the course students will be awarded with a “Statement of Attainment” which will detail only the Units of Competency that student has achieved competency from the course.

Course Fees : $10,750